The Khas Group
is a name which carries with it a long heritage in the leather business
in Pakistan. The Khas Group commenced business in 1964 with the establishment
of its first tannery in sialkot and its entire product was sold to international
buyers. Encouraged by the demand and appreciation of Khas leather quality,
the group in 1971 set up its own gloving unit now called Khas Gloves,
Since the Khas quality of leather was already acceptable to buyers, Khas
Gloves had only to prove itself in the arena of fine stitching, design
and delivery. |
Khas Gloves
has grown from strength to strength. International demand warranted expansion
and hence, in 1981, another gloving unit was set up in Karachi. |
Growth in
itself is not the sole end to Khas` investments. As standards, practices
and requirements evolve and improve, so must Khas. |
In 1993 Khas
Gloves established a laboratory to test gloves as per new European regulations.
The Khas laboratory is perhaps the most advanced facility available in
the China, India and Pakistan region. |
Over the past
30 years the group has refined process and in 1998 Khas Gloves earned
its ISO 9002 Certification for Industrial Glove Manufacturing. |
The Khas product
portfolio carries over 150 designs of which over 30 designs are in production
at any given time, however, Khas gladly undertakes orders for client's
own design and specification. |
All Khas Gloves
are produced according to EN420 standards and a majority of our gloves
also comply to EN388 which covers gloves against mechanical risks. At
Khas we gladly undertake orders complying to EN407 as well as EN511
specifications. |
Over the years
Khas has developed strong business relationships in Europe with renowed
buyers such as JUBA in Spain, Neri William in Italy, Trebes & Henning
in Germany, and in the U.S.A, with International Sourcing Company (Cordova). |
The Khas Group
use no child labour at any stage of products manufacturing. The Khas Group
and Khas Gloves are member in good standing of the following organizations:
British Leather Confederation, Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce
and Industry, Pakistan Tanners Association, Pakistan Glove Manufacture's
Association and the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry. |
Khas is proud
to be the recipient of eight Export Trophies for gloves. |
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Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |